Land Economy Oxford & Cambridge University Interview Questions
Past admissions interview questions for Land Economy
Is it more important to focus on poverty at home or abroad? (Oxbridge Applications)
Is the environment a bigger crisis than poverty/AIDS etc? (Oxbridge Applications)
Do you think that getting involved in poverty abroad is interfering with others' freedoms? (Oxbridge Applications)
Make Poverty History is a commendable thought, is it a practical one? (Oxbridge Applications)
Was it fair that a woman's planning application for painting her door purple in a conservation area was declined? (Oxbridge Applications)
How does global development affect your life personally? (Oxbridge Applications)
What kind of transport policy could be implemented in Cambridge? (Oxbridge Applications)
Why is traffic so bad in cities and what would you do about it? (Oxbridge Applications)
Should fox hunting have been banned? (Oxbridge Applications)
Isn't golf all based on luck? (Cambridge interview, The Student Room)
Should northerners be forced to move south for jobs due to unemployment rates (Cambridge interview, The Student Room)
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